What happens after you get your results back.
Following your food sensitivity test, you can either book a clinic appointment or a phone consultation to discuss your test results. We will interpret the readings for you and advise on how best to implement the necessary dietary changes.
To get the best result from your test report you need to have your progress supervised over an extended period. This must be done by your GP and his/her appointed nutritionist who will deal with the aftercare associated with this test report.
Long Term Support
Nutritionists listed on the website www.ntoi.ie are particularly skilled in dealing with issues relating to “gut health.” Food sensitivity (food intolerance) is a gut health issue. Nutritional Therapy is an evidence-based approach to maximising the patient’s health though individually formulated nutritional changes.
Your nutritionist will support and guide you with the dietary changes. In addition to supervising the diet, they will advise if specific probiotics, prebiotics, digestive enzymes, or vitamins / nutrients could help support and accelerate your gut healing process.
Given that food sensitivity (food intolerance) can be a long-term issue, people tend to achieve optimal improvement in their digestion when they collaborate with a nutritionist who will support them into the long term. Given that NTOI (Nutritional Therapy of Ireland) members are working throughout the country, you should be able to contact a member in your own locality.